Joanne Hession

Founder and CEO of LIFT Ireland - - TEDxDúnLaoghaire 2021 Speaker

Joanne Hession

Joanne Hession is founder and CEO of LIFT Ireland, a social enterprise equipping and empowering 10% of Ireland to raise standards of personal and ethical leadership, creating a nationwide ripple effect of positive change. A successful entrepreneur and leadership expert, Joanne founded both The Entrepreneurs Academy and QED The Accreditation Experts, providing services to over 40,000 entrepreneurs and top Business schools internationally for over 20 years. Joanne is passionate about helping people to maximise their potential through learning and growth. She is wife to Joules and Mom of three amazing daughters Hannah, Leah and Megan. Joanne works hard to be better every day as she reminds herself daily that all the problems in the world are caused by human behaviour and actions including her own.

Connect with Joanne Hession

Joanne Hession talks on TEDxDúnLaoghaire